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Feb 8, 2008
Urban Winter
This set originated as a concept for a photo club that has yet to convene. 
All setbacks aside, winter is definitely my favorite season to photograph.
date of shoot: ~December 10th, 2007

Urban Winter: I
medium: kodak 160vc color negative film
ISO: 160
camera: nikon fm2 w/85mm ƒ/1.8 nikkor lens

Urban Winter: II
medium: kodak 160vc color negative film
ISO: 160
camera: nikon fm2 w/85mm ƒ/1.8 nikkor lens

Urban Winter: III
medium: kodak 160vc color negative film
ISO: 160
camera: nikon fm2 w/85mm ƒ/1.8 nikkor lens + 12mm Tube Extention

Urban Winter: IV
medium: kodak 160vc color negative film
ISO: 160
camera: nikon fm2 w/85mm ƒ/1.8 nikkor lens + 20mm Tube Extention

Urban Winter: V
medium: fuji 400 superia color negative film
ISO: 400
camera: nikon fm2 w/85mm ƒ/1.8 nikkor lens

Urban Winter: VI
medium: fuji 400 superia color negative film
ISO: 400
camera: nikon fm2 w/85mm ƒ/1.8 nikkor lens

Urban Winter: VII
medium: fuji 400 superia color negative film
ISO: 400
camera: nikon fm2 w/85mm ƒ/1.8 nikkor lens + 32mm Tube Extention

Urban Winter: VIII
medium: fuji 400 superia color negative film
ISO: 400
camera: nikon fm2 w/85mm ƒ/1.8 nikkor lens + 32mm Tube Extention

Urban Winter: IX
medium: fuji 200 superia color negative film
ISO: 200
camera: nikon fm2 w/85mm ƒ/1.8 nikkor lens + 12mm Tube Extention

Urban Winter: X
medium: fuji 200 superia color negative film
ISO: 200
camera: nikon fm2 w/85mm ƒ/1.8 nikkor lens

Urban Winter: XI
medium: fuji 200 superia color negative film
ISO: 200
camera: nikon fm2 w/85mm ƒ/1.8 nikkor lens + 32mm Tube Extention

Urban Winter: XII
medium: fuji 200 superia color negative film
ISO: 200
camera: nikon fm2 w/85mm ƒ/1.8 nikkor lens + 32mm Tube Extention

Urban Winter: XIII
medium: fuji 200 superia color negative film
ISO: 200
camera: nikon fm2 w/85mm ƒ/1.8 nikkor lens + 32mm Tube Extention


Equipment Used:

[FILM SLR BODY: Nikon FM2, Nikon F5] | [DIGITAL SLR BODY: Nikon D70s]

[FILM MF LENS: 50mm ƒ1.8 nikkor, 85mm ƒ1.8 nikkor, 500mm ƒ4 tamron] | [FILM AF LENS: 28-105mm ƒ3.5-4.5]

[DIGITAL AF LENS: 12-24mm ƒ4, 18-70mm ƒ3.5-4.5]

[FLASH: Nikon SB600 Speedlite]


dhd photography is an ongoing exhibition of the photographic works of Devin McCawley.

Please send all Commision & Print inquiries to:

© 2008. All images are the sole property of Devin McCawley.